Luxe Marketing Blog

Don’t copycat your competitor’s social media marketing

Do you find yourself looking at your competitor’s social media and think.. “I need to do it just like them for results?” It is not about how you can outperform, but how can you be different. Different means you stand out, give the same audience a different experience and there, you will find that your marketing efforts will pay off.

Too often small businesses, are too scared to give their own business a flare or create their own style. They worry about judgement, being unprofessional and frankly too scared to break the norm. By no means is this an ok to be unprofessional, rude or disrespectful because keep in mind your brand image IS on the line!

Here’s how you can create your own social media marketing flare

  1. Know who are and what you stand for
  2. Create a unique customer incentive to buy
  3. Create an experience for each customer
  4. Offer incentives to customers who keep coming back
  5. Offer personal connections online
  6. Show YOUR personality
  7. and HAVE FUN!

Another strategy is to partner with other local businesses in the area or online. Cross promotion, when it fits, can be beneficial for all the businesses involved. Choose a business that is complimentary to yours and create a strategy on what the promotions will look like. Of course, receiving help from a marketing professional will help organize the partnership for seamless promotion.

Feel like you post, but no one sees it? Another more advanced strategy is to run target ads to increase awareness of your brand to local customers. It could just possibly mean that your local area may not have taken wind that you’re there let alone the products and services you offer. Run small, targeted ads to gain exposure online.

Is this article helpful? Share to all your small business owners. Cheers to success and marketing!
